Style is all about experimenting. These are 4 trends I promise you'll be seeing this winter.
A fashion law is don't wear white after Labor Day, I mean that rule has been around for long as I remember. But laws are meant to be broken. Yes, you can wear white after Labor Day but there are still guidelines. You have to make sure they're winter pieces. Don't you dare bring out that white sundress in December. As long as it's done right it looks absolutely gorgeous.
2. Plaids
I went to a private school so trust me, I know all about plaid. It's making a come back and I'm loving it. It's so easy to style with and always a classic. I might just have to pull out my plaid jumper.
3. Fur vest
Nothing says "Rich bitch" like a nice fur vest. Sometimes it's hard to pull off a fur vest but when you do, you look so fabulous. Pair with a chiffon collard shirt, great sunnies and pull your hair in a sleek ponytail or sock bun and you'll look great.
4. Wool shorts
Now if you know me you know I don't let the seasons control my life. It'll be 30 degrees and you better believe I'll still have an iced coffee in my hand. I think that's why I'm so happy to see wool shorts this season. I even got myself a pair from Piperlime in a plaid pattern. Pair them with opaque tights underneath and a great loafer.
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